Brazilian state moves to develop offshore wind energy and green hydrogen projects
The government of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul signed a three-year memorandum of understanding last week with Neoenergia, a subsidiary of Iberdrola, to pursue the development of offshore wind power and a project for the production of green hydrogen. The MOU calls for cooperation in other opportunities related to energy or […]
Valemaxes are squeezing capes for Brazilian iron ore exports
The valemax fleet is taking an ever greater chunk of iron ore exports out of Brazil at the expense of capesizes, new data from BRS shows. Brazil iron exports carried on these giant ships have shot up from 84m tonnes in 2018 to 136.7m tonnes last year, according to BRS. Up to last weekend, […]
Rate for benchmark capesize bulker route for Brazilian iron ore falls 19% in a week
Rates for most of dry bulk shipping remain relatively steady as China’s industrial sector keeps still 21 October 2022 17:00 GMT UPDATED 21 October 2022 17:00 GMT By Michael Juliano in Stamford The average spot rate for the benchmark iron ore route between Brazil and China fell over the past week as China’s industrial sector remained still. The rate […]
Port of Santos privatisation to include mega container Terminal
According to the Minister, the operation draft should be ready to go to the plenary of the audit court TCU by the end of November. If approved, the Ministry expects the call for bids to be published in early December. A total of $4.7bn (BRL25bn) should be invested throughout the entire privatisation process. Marcelo Sampaio […]
Maranhão é convidado pela China para integrar ‘Rota da Seda’
Projeto BRI, que já investiu em torno de US$ 59,5 bilhões
Corredores logísticos do país devem incluir o Nordeste, dizem especialistas
O grão é o grande viés da economia do Brasil. São cerca de 270 milhões
Porto público do Itaqui, em São Luís, no estado do Maranhão, inicia testes de novo berço
Após os testes de comissionamento já iniciados, o berço 99 será incorporado à escala de operações